Trapped in Zone One - Easter Holidays, Activities and Food Programme 2024.
Family friendly activities during the school holidays for young people and parents in Aberfeldy.
As part of Tower Hamlets Council’s Holiday Activities and Food Programme, we hosted a week long programme from the 2nd to 5th April 2024 for young people aged 5-16 from Tower Hamlets, providing enrichment and physical activities sessions during the Easter school holidays with FREE lunchtime meals for eligible participants.
DATE: 2-5 April 2024
TIME: 10:00-14:00
VENUE: Feldy Community Space, 18 Aberfeldy Square, London, E14 0XA
We accommodated a maximum of 30 young people per day on a first come basis, with the activities consisting of multi-sport and creative collage workshops facilitated by Cut Out Club for young people, with an end of project awards ceremony on the final day to conclude the Easter programme.
Cut Out Club
Cut Out Club was co-founded by Tasch von Uexkull of Assemblage Collective and Iona Gibson of Deziners in April 2023 as a growing collage-zine community, inviting beginners and pro-zinesters alike to explore their creativity through zine making and collage. Cut Out Club has been in residence at St Margaret’s House in Tower Hamlets for a year, offering monthly sessions for the community as part of their regular arts programme offer. They recently worked with Oxford House and students from Oaklands School to produce a zine exploring East London's extraordinary history of social change led by women.
What is collage art?
Collage is an art form that is made up of overlapping pieces of material, such as photographs, fabric, coloured and textured paper and other types of mixed media.
Collages combine multiple images to create a single image that tells a story or captures a specific theme. And collages come in many different formats, from a simple arrangement of a couple of pictures to a complex composition comprising hundreds of photos.
The aim of our activities during Easter was to assist with co-designing an idea which best describes the present multi-cultural environment that we can Tower Hamlets for a upcoming heritage mural planned for this summer in the borough.
This project is supported by Tower Hamlets Council, Poplar Harca, Artgecko Skerchbooks and Whitechapel Gallery.