Trapped in Zone One - Summer Holidays, Activities and Food Programme 2023, Supported by Poplar Harca.
Family friendly activities during the summer school holidays for young people and parents in Aberfeldy.
As part of Tower Hamlets Council’s Holiday Activities and Food Programme, we hosted a 4-week programme from 24 July-17 August 2023 (Mon-Thur) for young people aged 5-16 and parents from Tower Hamlets, providing creative and physical activity sessions during the summer school holidays with FREE lunchtime meals for eligible participants.
The activities at Poplar Harca’s Feldy Community Space consisted of multi-sport activities and creative workshops themed around nature and the environment for young people, and an end of project awards ceremony on the final day to conclude the summer programme.
“Working in partnership with Trapped in Zone One is always a joy for the families we work with as they provide a programme that put peoples wellbeing at the forefront. We are impressed with the way the team are supportive of the children and do everything they can to support and nurture their development through the fun and interesting topics”. - Poplar Harca Feldy Team
This project is funded by Tower Hamlets Council.